
Urban Homesteading: Building New Garden Beds

It all started with the removal of 3 very ugly contractor grade special trees: Good riddance. They blocked sun oddly, were not healthy, and poisoned the ground around them. The problem is...people put them in when small, then they grow quickly, and they are never shaped, and just go crazy in a few years. And… Continue reading Urban Homesteading: Building New Garden Beds

Book Reviews · Gardening · Preserving

Urban Homesteading: March In The Garden

February left very rainy, and rain came right in as well in March, in the first half. One of our wettest winters on record, which after last year's drought, I will take. March was also considerably colder after how warm January and February were (so basically it was normal temperatures in March!) Still, the garden… Continue reading Urban Homesteading: March In The Garden