Book Reviews · Cookbooks · cooking · Dinner

Book Review: The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook

The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook: 125 Delicious Recipes from Amaranth to Quinoa to Wild Rice has over 4o recipes that are vegan or have vegan variations, and many more that are vegetarian friendly. But that isn't what makes the book, rather the whole grains section on how to buy, store and cook the grains… Continue reading Book Review: The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook

Book Reviews · Cookbooks · cooking · Dinner

Book Review: Cooking With Quinoa For Dummies & Two Dinner Recipes

Maybe it is good I learned to love quinoa...there have been a bumper crop of cookbooks coming out and this year is showing to not slow down either. I have two I have worked though and the first is Cooking with Quinoa For Dummies: Written by Cheryl Forberg, RD,and released in December, it is a… Continue reading Book Review: Cooking With Quinoa For Dummies & Two Dinner Recipes

Book Reviews · Cookbooks · Dessert · Plant Based Diet · Raw

Inspiration from Superfood Kitchen

An unexpected package came last week from Navitas it was the simply stunning cookbook Superfood Kitchen: Cooking with Nature's Most Amazing Foods, by Julie Morris, that came out this winter. Tucked in with it was a package of Sweetened Cacao Nibs, a boozy tasting chocolate treat.  I have a huge love affair going on with their products,… Continue reading Inspiration from Superfood Kitchen

Book Reviews · Cookbooks · Drinks · Raw · Vitamix Recipes

Cherry Berry Smoothie from Green Smoothie Joy

As January comes to a close, I know that a good half of the bloggers I follow were doing green smoothie diets this month. I, however, wasn't. Like with anything, it takes me awhile to warm up to new foods/ideas. I am sure I can get to where I not only tolerate, but like them. is going… Continue reading Cherry Berry Smoothie from Green Smoothie Joy