Day 17 of NaBloPoMo and wow, I had forgotten how nice it is to take weekends off from writing! It is interesting writing every day and realizing that yes, there can be overkill in writing, especially for food blogging. It seems too much, truthfully. That I am overloading my readers inboxes more than I should.… Continue reading Cooking Greens: 2 New Cookbooks
Tag: books
Book Reviews: 3 New From The Complete Idiot’s Guide Series
As I was writing my 10th post for NaBloPoMo (being that it is November 10th), it occurred to me that not only am I working my way through a pile of review books that were overwhelming me, that beyond decluttering my bedside table there was another bonus. What? Well, I live in a private community… Continue reading Book Reviews: 3 New From The Complete Idiot’s Guide Series
Book Reviews: 4 for The Body and Skin
As part of my writing for NaBloPoMo, I have made a goal to work through the many review copies of books I have been sent. It is easy to get swamped by them, never having enough hours to read it seems. But I find...if simply make the time, I can find an hour here and… Continue reading Book Reviews: 4 for The Body and Skin
Raw is Hot: 5 New Books
Only a few years ago, finding well done books on raw foods/recipes wasn't easy. The market has exploded! Which, to me, is a good thing. So many new ideas, ranging from out-there-hippy-fair to mainstream eating. Kirk and I played with raw quite a bit, until we found out about Alistaire's allergies. Due to the heavy… Continue reading Raw is Hot: 5 New Books