How do you embarrass your 16 year-old son so badly they want to slide into the foot well of the van? See a free piece of metal furniture on the side of the street and hit the brakes hard 😉 Hahaha! Anyhow, a few weeks back, the neighbor around the corner was moving out and… Continue reading DIY Roadside Chic Lawn Furniture
Category: Crafts
DIY Terra Cotta Garden Lighthouse
DIY Terra Cotta Garden Lighthouse - the perfect addition to a garden! As with all Pinterest ideas, I am sure if I had a huge crate of random paints this would have been cheaper than it ended up, but it was fun to do. I kept my design simple and found it very relaxing to… Continue reading DIY Terra Cotta Garden Lighthouse
DIY Chalkboard Pantry Wall & Faux-Granite
This summer, we will have lived in our house for 10 years. Hard to wrap my mind around that! The past few years it has become apparent to me that my house isn't a home enough. It needs more touches! So about a month ago I started a project which I finally got finished (oops).… Continue reading DIY Chalkboard Pantry Wall & Faux-Granite
DIY Cherry Pitter – Upcycling Project
Feeling that winding down, as the year comes to a close....and having fun finding someone of the ideas I worked on this year but never published. This one came to me during the summer. Sitting out in the back yard with my boys, pitting cherries from the farmers market was something they loved. I am… Continue reading DIY Cherry Pitter – Upcycling Project