The Teal Pumpkin Project? Maybe you have seen this pop up on Facebook, or in the news this past week. And you might wonder just what it is. It is an easy (and fun!) way to share with your community this Halloween that you care and support about others. Click through the link here, or… Continue reading The Teal Pumpkin Project
Category: Crafts
DIY Wee One House
Inspired by Cool Stuff for Your Garden: Creative Handmade Projects for Kids, I decided we had to try our hand at the Magical Fairy House on page 14. Which became my DIY Wee One House - something for the gnomes in the yard! And fine, I'll admit I did this as a project for me… Continue reading DIY Wee One House
DIY Candy Jars
Last night we had a lot of fun watching The LEGO Movie, - which was a perfect family movie night 😀 The boys all loved it, and you know, so did I! I had an idea I thought the boys might like, a fun way to serve candy while we watched. The secret is using… Continue reading DIY Candy Jars
DIY Bathroom Cleaning Checklist
I'll be first to admit I am not the best in keeping an immaculate house. If I learned from my Mom anything...well, she passed her lazy gene on to me. But I do like to at least keep the house presentable! It isn't hard to pick up toys, do dishes, run the vacuum over the… Continue reading DIY Bathroom Cleaning Checklist