After I learned how to do needle felting with the Waldorf-style crowns, I was hooked. Looking around online, I came across how to make felted items using cookie cutters. And of course I have a mountain Goat Cookie Cutter and a Squirrel Cookie CutterĀ in my cookie cutters. I had fun learning how to make them,… Continue reading Mountain Goat on an Alpine Mountain Needle Felting
Category: Crafts
May You Have a Good Winter Solstice
Little makes me happier than coming to the first day of winter, the Winter Solstice. Some might not see it my way, looking out at barely 8 hours of daylight...yet this short day brings the hope of light returning. Every day from now on to the Summer Solstice will be longer. And while many might… Continue reading May You Have a Good Winter Solstice
Waldorf Nature Crafts: Leaf Crowns
Who knew a "simple" project would lead me to a new hobby. It started simple enough, I said yes to doing a set of leaf crowns for the children in my sons preschool (16 of them!). Making the crowns out of wool felt was simple enough, but what the wool for, that was in the… Continue reading Waldorf Nature Crafts: Leaf Crowns
Ornaments In Jars
I didn't grow up celebrating holidays, so decorating for Christmas wasn't a natural for me. I don't overall care for a "traditional" look, though it took me a few years to figure that out (like oh...15 or so....). What I truly love is blue & silver decor. And it matches the house this year so… Continue reading Ornaments In Jars