We haven’t had cable tv service in over 5 years now (and I don’t miss it I can attest!), but sometimes in a moment of pure lazy indulgence, Kirk and I will watch some tv via Amazon Prime. Guilty pleasures involve Hoarders (it gets me cleaning and purging our house faster than most anything else! “Ah hang the food from mah chandelier so the rats can’t get into it….”) and Preppers. But what always bugs me about shows like Preppers is the attitude towards homesteading. It is nearly always seen as a vague “oh if we need it”, and then they announce they have a can o’ seed vault they’ll whip out and plant. Because you know….gardening is sooo easy anyone can do it. Hahaha. If only.
I was reading the current issue of Backwoods Home Magazine, and the article on “Create An Emergency Seed Bank” called to me. The article was well written, and drove home that same issue. That you cannot just expect that if something happened, you can miraculously go out and easily till a garden up and plant it. And expect to be living the good life – and eating well.
Only thing is…it doesn’t work that way. And these shows don’t touch on that.
But it isn’t hard to start learning how to homestead. You can do it in the country, in town, even in an apartment in a city. Don’t let it be a wistful “In the future I’d like to learn….” where the years pass by. You don’t have to do it all. Learn a few skills every year.
Learn to garden. You can do it even in pots on a balcony. If you live where you have soil, learn to build garden beds. How to choose seeds. How to keep your soil happy. How to water without needing utilities. Find companies that sell seeds for your area. Buy only heirloom seeds if you want to start a saved seeds project (you should!)
Learn to preserve. One, you eat a whole lot better and healthier, you can also use the produce you grow. You also get off the system, and build a pantry that is there for you – be it a snowstorm, a job loss, or a disaster. Or just everyday eating.
Embrace Urban Homesteading. The longest night of the year will be here next Tuesday on the 22nd. Celebrate the Winter Solstice by braving outside and looking where you live. A garden is a promise to you and your loved ones that spring will come. That summer will come.
Even with all I have learned the past few years, I still have so much to learn. I hope to learn how to make sauerkraut this winter. I want to expand our garden this winter. To install irrigation lines so I can leave during summer and not worry. I want to learn how to pressure can. I want to be more successful with my gardens and have fewer losses.
The next two weeks will be busy for me – all 3 boys are out of school. If we can get some nice days, we will be outside till our noses are cold. Till then…..may you have a happy Solstice and Holidays!