DIY Wool Felt Crowns, a project you can make simple or be elaborate with. I chose to make it with two colors, one a felted color, the other a solid. While I used a sewing machine, this can be sewed by hand if you have the patience. It would be pretty as well top stitched with embroidery floss.
See Momtastic’s post on Birthday Crowns post for a printable pattern. I printed out two copies of the pattern to make cutting out faster. You will need to tape the pattern together, but easy enough. Using two 8″ x 12″ sheets of wool felt I cut out 4 pieces total (2 of each color). The pattern is designed to be put on a fold, but since my wool was smaller, you work around it! As well, due to my boys having ample heads I extended the lowest part of the pattern and just cut to the end of the fabric. If your child has a smaller head…..follow the pattern
After cutting out, pin each set together (there is no wrong side with felt) and sew the middle together with a ¼” seam. Flatten the seam with your fingers (don’t use an iron though on wool).
Pin the 2 assembled pieces together, making sure the center seams match up and are flat inside. Sew together, around the outside, using a ¼” seam. You can use a standard seam or a zigzag. Felt does not ravel, so need not be finished. If you are feeling crafty, you can use pinking shears after, as I did. If you’ve never used pinking shears, practice on a sample of fabric first.
After it is finished, it is time to add Velcro® or similar as a closure to the back. Fit it on the child’s head, mark where, and sew it on. Use a softer Velcro, such as the baby style, so it doesn’t irate their skin. Do not use off brand, it is never as nice. You only need a 1″ to 2″ piece, although you can add more, so it is more adjustable.
It is actually a very easy project, and great for sewing beginners. Felt is forgiving and easy to work with. And honestly, kids won’t notice if you do have any mistakes
And then….onto the fun part. Decorating! You can add more felt, do needle felting, embroider, add-on buttons, sparkles, jewels, whatever you decide.