Inspired by Cool Stuff for Your Garden: Creative Handmade Projects for Kids, I decided we had to try our hand at the Magical Fairy House on page 14.
Which became my DIY Wee One House – something for the gnomes in the yard! And fine, I’ll admit I did this as a project for me and bought off Walker with a tiny birdhouse kit from Dollar Tree, that he painted, while Mommy indulged herself 😉
So what do you need?
- A birdhouse. Be it small or big, build yourself or ready to go – pick one you like! We used a Red Tool Box Birdhouse
, that Kirk had picked up on a Lighting Deal on Amazon. It is nice and large, meaning it was easy to work with.
- Craft paint. I used a forest green and a rich brown.
- Paint brushes, bristles work better than foam ones.
- Moss – find it at the dollar store, out in the plant section or in your back yard if you live in a wet area. If you harvest it, let it dry fully.
- Small river rock. Honestly, the easiest source is Dollar Tree, in the florist section. The bags are a $1 and huge – use the leftovers in bee baths.
- Craft glue.
- Clear coat spray paint if using the house outside.
- Birds, if you desire. Again, Dollar Tree sells various birds for $1 for 1-2 birds.
Assemble the birdhouse as directed, let cure if needed. For best results, use a primer coat of paint before heading on. Let dry fully.
Paint birdhouse as desired. Since my house opens on top, I painted it in and out, two to three coats. Let dry overnight before moving on.
To attach the rocks, paint craft glue on the wood, press rocks down as you like. Let set and dry before moving.
At this stage, if you want to weather proof the house, spray it with a clear coat outside, let dry overnight.
To add the moss, paint glue on the roof. Gently press down sections of moss, till it is covered. Let dry.
And should birds need to move in, attach them…or wait till real ones come in spring 😉