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Small Batch Canning: Salsa

After stripping the tomato bushes out back two weeks ago, I had a lot of tomatoes to do something with. Another batch of salsa sounded good. I didn’t have a lot of time either. I needed to pack for a conference, and instead I was in the kitchen prepping 3 separate recipes for canning. Oops. But we will eat well the coming months with this work


It is though a wonderful hodge-podge use of tomatoes. Romas, heirlooms, cherry ones, and so many colors: red, yellow, green, purple…and more so, I found at the local store my favorite salsa base mix on clearance. Even better! Delicious salsa, with amazing fresh tomatoes.




  • 6 pounds fresh tomatoes, finely diced, 13½ cups measured
  • 9 Tbsp apple cider vinegar (5% acidity)
  • ¾ cup Fiesta Salsa Mix (shake well before measuring)


Wash canning jars, with bands and new lids, in hot, soapy water. Rinse well, and drain on a clean kitchen towel. Bring a large pot of water to boil, take off stove, add in clean jars and keep covered.

Fill canning pot halfway with water, bring to a near boil, then let simmer.

Add all ingredients in a large saucepan, bring to a boil over high. Reduce heat, simmer for 5 minutes.

Drain jars using tongs, place on a clean kitchen towel. Ladle the hot salsa into the bars, using a sterilized canning funnel. Leave a ½” headspace.

Dip a clean paper towel in hot water, then run around the top of each jar. Place a lid on each jar, then a band, screw on finger tight.

Turn canner up to high, place jars in water bath rack, lower rack into water. Water should cover by 1 – 2″, if not add a bit more from the other pot that held the jars. Bring to a rolling boil, covered, process for 35 minutes. Turn off the heat, carefully remove jars, placing on a clean dry kitchen towel to cool.

Once cooled, check again that seals are down (you should hear the Ping! as each one seals). Gently remove bands (wash, dry and store for your next project. While they look nicer on, if they have water inside from processing, they can rust. If you are giving away your canned items, you can always slip one back on), note on jar or lid what is in jar with a date. Store in a dry/cool/dark area and use within a year.

As always, if you ever go to use a canned item and the lid is not sealed anymore, or bulging, discard it immediately!!!!!! (I have only ever lost one jar in all my canning, so don’t fret!) If you are using a different brand of salsa mix, be sure to read their directions and to follow them.

Makes about 6 pint jars.

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