baking · cooking · Dehydrating

Gingerbread Popcorn

After Annemarie of RealFood. RealDeals. posted her recipe for Maple Gingerbread Popcorn, I had to try it out. I make popcorn most evening for Kirk, Ford and I, so I figured they’d like a different version of our usual. Best of all? I can make it while I am prepping dinner, meaning I can be lazy later!


I adapted the recipe a bit – I pop our corn in jumbo lunch bags, ½ cup at a time, but due to the method I do waste a certain amount, which doesn’t pop. If you are using a hot air popper, follow her directions, you’ll get enough popped corn from her measurements. I had to pop more though, to make up for it – but also I am a bit OCD and shake the bowl to knock the hard stuff to the bottom, then I scoop out the popcorn, toss the ickies and then dress it. Labor intensive, but I have no desire to replace any of my crowns 😉 My dentist has made enough off of me…….


Gingerbread Popcorn


  • 1 cup organic popcorn
  • 3 Tbsp organic virgin coconut oil
  • 3 Tbsp pure maple syrup
  • ¾ tsp ground ginger
  • ½ tsp ground cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp ground nutmeg
  • ¼ tsp fine sea salt


Preheat oven to 325°, set two large rimmed baking sheets on the counter. Drop the coconut oil on one of the pans, pop into the oven and let oil melt.

Whisk the maple syrup and spices together, set aside.

Add the popcorn, ½ cup cup each, into two new paper lunch sacks, preferably jumbo sized ones. Crimp the top and tightly roll over 2-3 times to seal (small folds), place in microwave, one bag at a time, and pop till it starts to slow down (my microwave takes 2 minutes to 2:30 minutes). Take out the bag and immediately dump into a large mixing bowl, repeat with second bag. Shake the mixing bowl to settle any unpopped kernels to the bottom. Transfer the good popcorn to a second bowl, dump out the kernels and any hard popped pieces, then put the popcorn back in the mixing bowl.

Take the baking sheet out of the oven, pour the oil in the maple syrup, whisk to combine. Drizzle over popcorn, toss with hands to coat. Divide between the two baking sheets in a single layer. Bake for 8 minutes, rotating the pans halfway, and giving a quick stir.

Let cool fully, then enjoy!

Serves 4 nice bowls.

PS: After shaking out any of the not-so-desirable corn, I had about 18 cups popped corn.

7 thoughts on “Gingerbread Popcorn

    1. I went a good 6 years without popcorn. Once my braces were done and off, and then I had an implant done I could indulge 😀 Chomp Chomp! I love being able to chew properly again!

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