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Cashew Kale Chips

Kale chips…I never quit trying new versions. And this one is different from most, the closest I have seen commercially or otherwise are these type. So where did I find my inspiration? From The Tastes of Ayurveda: More Healthful, Healing Recipes for the Modern Ayurvedic.

I was recently sent a copy of the new 2012 edition to review and came across the recipe on page 86. While I don’t follow the theme of the book I do find the recipes to be very interesting, considering they are all vegetarian. Many are vegan, raw and/or gluten-free as well. On the other hand…it might not hurt me to take the questionnaire at the start of the book to find out my body type and what I should/shouldn’t be eating. Or do I want to know (cringing)?

I chose the kale chip recipe because I love using my L’Equip Food Dehydrator, nothing like having an excuse to pull it out. Although an oven will work just fine to use. And I had found a lovely bunch of baby Dinosaur Kale at the farmers market this past weekend, grown by a local couple on their farm. It was beautiful kale, soft, tender and vibrant. And cheap! Summer can be a good thing – fresh veggies and fruit from both sides of the Cascade Mountains. My goal next year is to turn one more unused section of lawn (weeds really) into a greens garden where I can finally grow beans, kale, spinach, etc.

After getting our kale chips in the dehydrator Walker and I went and did some gardening in the backyard. He has a lil’ set of tools and loves to “help” me. Especially when there are daily ripe berries to harvest or rather eat!

Tending to “his” blueberries:

And those chips? Wonderful! Tasty, crunchy, airy and creamy. The raw cashews are silky after blending and enrobe the kale.

7 hours later I had two containers of krispy kale:

Cashew Kale Chips


  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • 1 tsp fine sea salt
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil, preferably organic
  • 1/3 cup filtered water
  • 5 cups kale leaves, spines removed and torn into bit-size pieces, preferably organic or naturally grown


Soak the cashews in 2 cups filtered water for 1 to 8 hours, as long as you have time. Drain.

Add the cashews, salt, vinegar, oil and water to a high-speed blender, process on high until smooth. Scrape into a large bowl, add the kale and stir to coat.

Place on dehydrator trays, single layer. Dry at 150° until crispy, about 4 to 8 hours, depending on humidity. Store in an airtight container once cooled.

No dehydrator? No problem. Dry at the lowest setting in your oven on cooling racks (non-coated metal only), check often, about 4 hours drying time.


FTC Disclaimer: We received an advance copy of the book for potential review.

4 thoughts on “Cashew Kale Chips

  1. They tasted good before loading them into the dehydrator, tasted good mid way through and they were wonderful when they came out. Thanks for the recipe.

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