Baby · children · Family

It’s A……..


Kirk and I are expecting our third boy 🙂 I am about halfway through the pregnancy.

I am so excited and I was hoping the baby would help us out at my scan this week. I see the Maternal Fetal Medicine Group for the anatomy scan so we had two appointments, first for the US with their tech, where the MFM OB watches the US via computer in their office and then with the genetic counselor to talk numbers and whatnot. With Walker we had to see the OB after (due to unexplained bleeding I had) so I was happy we didn’t have to this time. The scan looked as perfect as one could hope for and the baby is looking to be similar in size as Walker for now (and he was a big one!). This time as well the baby cooperated and we were able to do the heart scan (Walker kept moving!) so it was nice to get everything done in one visit. And after having so many US’s with Walker when I was pregnant I have found the techs for the MFM office to be some of the warmest ones around. They are willing to talk, to explain everything and while some might disagree are very indepth. It cannot be an easy job though. It was interesting though to look at the graphs of age versus issues with babies. And how risky it gets after 40 and especially as one gets toward 45. I don’t think I would want to take those risks.

Baby toes!

A back view:

A very active little one and I’ll be wondering now if he will be another 9 lber……


5 thoughts on “It’s A……..

  1. Wow, congratulations!! So exciting – love the last one with the baby fist. I have a cute US photo of Knox’s fist. I’m not sure that I’ll have another one, but it sure is exciting when someone else does! I love seeing the updates.

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