Do you happen to have a FoodSaver FoodVac loitering around in your kitchen? One that has the accessory tubing? Like rarely if ever use said food vac? And do you also have a tendency to toss half-used packets of seeds into your junk drawer/forget about them/throw them away the next year? Oh wait....that might be me......but could… Continue reading How My Garden Grows: Preserving Seed Packets
Tag: How My Garden Grows
How My Garden Grows: Fun Seed Time
While I am not sure if Walker quite understands gardening yet, he does love the results. The ones where he gets to pick goodies fresh from the garden! And I know Alistaire will be right behind him this summer....trying to wedge in for a few berries if he can. But I can at least try to show… Continue reading How My Garden Grows: Fun Seed Time
How My Garden Grows: Bee Baths
If there is anything that eases my lingering post partum depression that doesn't involve taking even more meds, it is having a garden. Maybe it is being outside, getting Vitamin D and fresh air, or maybe creating. I have had a drive this year that I can barely control - Kirk will put the boys… Continue reading How My Garden Grows: Bee Baths