Seed Vaults....sounds big and fancy right? But you can have your own, on hand, without a lot of money spent, nor space needed. After all, you're preserving seeds for your own use, not for a world. Which might have some asking why do I need one? Consider it insurance. That if something occurred, you could… Continue reading Urban Homesteading: Seed Vaults
Tag: Homesteading
Urban Homesteading: June In The Garden
June came in hot, hot and hot and hit 93* by the 5th day of the month. But then it slowed down. It went through periods of rain and a classic June-uary cycle, where it stay in the low 60's. It was appreciated! By the end of the month, it was back to sunny, but… Continue reading Urban Homesteading: June In The Garden
Handcrafting Melt and Pour Soap
Too many years ago I did a lot of soap making. I was a lot younger then, and so many new books on soap making were coming out then (OK, I'll date's the year 1998). I was really into it - I taught soap making classes through the school district, sold at the farmer's… Continue reading Handcrafting Melt and Pour Soap
Urban Homesteading: Mason Jar Herb Garden
Mason Jar Herb Garden for sale....and what?!? $8.98 for a jar, a little soil and a few seeds? Ack! Although, I'll be honest: if you are not a gardener who happens to have soil, rocks and seeds on hand, it isn't a horrid price. Pricey, yes. Easy enough to do at home. Oh, it won't be… Continue reading Urban Homesteading: Mason Jar Herb Garden