Summer settled in, with a few days of cool(er) weather at the end of July (read, normal weather for the PNW). It gave me time to go outside and do a lot of needed work. I assessed what was thriving, what wasn't growing well, and what needed to be culled (a good way to speed… Continue reading August In The Garden
Tag: gardening
Sweet and Sour Zucchini Pickles
You know how everyone makes zucchini jokes? About so many they are going Ninja at night and throwing them on neighbors porches? That doesn't seem to happen here. Of all my plants, my summer squash I work the hardest with and often don't a ton back. I think it just comes down to where we… Continue reading Sweet and Sour Zucchini Pickles
July In The Garden
July was a long month here in the PNW. The first 3 weeks were very, very hot - going into the 90's almost daily. The 4th week we got a few days again of "normal" weather, where we have cloud cover, that keeps down temperatures later in the day, when it burns off. I will… Continue reading July In The Garden
Zucchini Boats From the Garden
July, much like June, has been hot and very dry. But while many of my plants are suffering, the zucchini and other summer squash plants are thriving. If anything, they have done their best in years. The past 3 years I had real issues with powdery mildew. Last year I didn't even get one squash… Continue reading Zucchini Boats From the Garden