Seed Vaults....sounds big and fancy right? But you can have your own, on hand, without a lot of money spent, nor space needed. After all, you're preserving seeds for your own use, not for a world. Which might have some asking why do I need one? Consider it insurance. That if something occurred, you could… Continue reading Urban Homesteading: Seed Vaults
Category: Preserving
Cold Pack Sweet Canned Raspberries
I might grow raspberries, but lets face it, my kids eat them as soon as they are ripe. If you want to get enough to enjoy, you need go picking. A local farm does u-pick at $2 a pound. Walker is a great picker....Alistaire hides his cup under the shade of his hat and demands… Continue reading Cold Pack Sweet Canned Raspberries
Urban Homesteading: March In The Garden
February left very rainy, and rain came right in as well in March, in the first half. One of our wettest winters on record, which after last year's drought, I will take. March was also considerably colder after how warm January and February were (so basically it was normal temperatures in March!) Still, the garden… Continue reading Urban Homesteading: March In The Garden
Pickle Like A Pro
I came across this infographic and was in instant love. I need a poster of it in my kitchen to help others learn 😀 Pickle like a pro - and make it so easy, any one can do it! The infographic covers refrigerator pickles and how to water bath can them as well. Source:… Continue reading Pickle Like A Pro