After I learned how to do needle felting with the Waldorf-style crowns, I was hooked. Looking around online, I came across how to make felted items using cookie cutters.
And of course I have a mountain Goat Cookie Cutter and a Squirrel Cookie Cutter
in my cookie cutters. I had fun learning how to make them, and really, it is very, very simple. If you want them thicker, use more roving. I made mine quite thick, they could be used as stand-alone toys. Add in eyes and other features with tiny pieces of roving, worked in with a single needle.
I used wool roving in “Hot Chocolate” from an Etsy vendor I found, Curly Furr. She doesn’t have that one listed now, but has such pretty roving! (Photo is from Curly Furr) I chose the second row, right side, grey mix color to make the goat. I loved the color play, reminding me of the many wild mountain goats I have seen while hiking.
I used an 8×12″ sheet of wool felt to work my piece on. I bought a 10 pack from Crafty Wool Felt, where you can custom pick 10 colors. The colors are gorgeous, the felt is thick, yet soft.
This isn’t a masterpiece, but what I wanted was a playful and childish piece I could hang in the boys bedroom. I needle felted the goat on first, with how thick he was, it took a lot of felting. You will want to use a 5 needle holder or so, as that will speed it up. After he was on, I added pieces by hand, going with the flow. Alpine trees standing, trees littering the mountain hillside, rocks, clouds in the sky, moon and stars poking through. Wool roving flexes easily and can be shaped nimbly with a single needle.
To finish it, some more dimension to the clouds, branches on the trees and so on.