With diabetes on a rapid rise in Western cultures, and from first hand experience with it in my family, I was happy to review:
The Diabetes Prevention and Management Cookbook: Your 10-Step Plan for Nutrition and Lifestyle, recently published this year. I really wish there had been books of this quality years ago, when my Mother was alive. It would have been invaluable for her health. Not covering just recipes, but also why and what to eat, how to be healthier and what to watch for with diabetes. Especially helpful were the sections on how to eat meals balanced and just why some foods are better but also what to avoid. I passed the book on to a friend whose mother in law is diabetic and am hoping she will get a lot of use out of it.
On the recipes…there is a wide variety, some featuring meat, but many are plant-based friendly. As well, those featuring meat actually have normal sized portions. And better, the recipes watch sodium, saturated fat and use whole grains.
Creamy Chocolate Banana Pudding (From page 368)
- ¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 3 Tbsp cornstarch
- 2 Tbsp granulated sugar
- 2 cups milk (used unsweetened almond milk)
- 2 Tbsp Erythritol sweetener (or equivalent of 2 Tbsp sugar, using favorite sugar replacement)
- 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 2 bananas, sliced or diced
Using a fine sieve, sift cocoa powder, cornstarch and sugar into a medium saucepan.
Gradually whisk in milk until smooth. Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly, until misture comes to a full boil and thickens. Remove from heat and stir in Erythritol and vanilla.
Divide between 4 custard bowls, chill in refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Just before serving, top pudding with banana slices.
Serves 4.
FTC Disclaimer: We received a review copy of this book.
Hello. I just heard an interview with Barbara Allen, a registered dietician who co-wrote this book.
The interview was Thursday June 6, 2013 on the radio show BC Almanac on CBC.
Once again the book is about prevention and management, not about REVERSING Type 2 diabetes. We simply must get our mindset away from the “traditional” approach of medicine.
The dietician again referred to sugar, salt and fat and did mention refined carbohydrates, but did not come out with what our now recognized as the biggest culprits – modern wheat (in any form) and high fructose corn syrup. This is simply denial of the obvious.
We know that physicians are not well-trained with respect to nutrition, but dieticians ought to know better and be on the forefront of “healthy” choices.
Please read “Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight” by Dr. William Davis and watch the online lecture “Sugar: The Bitter Truth” by Dr. Robert Lustig. Both of these doctors will give you the insight to fully appreciate where the medical profession “lies” with respect to obesity and T2 diabetes.
Thank you.
Greg Shea (Lake Cowichan, BC)
P.S. I have basically reversed (eliminated T2 Diabetes) by removing wheat and HFCS from my
diet. Exercise is always important. I play soccer twice a week and at 61 have never felt